EngradePro Login: Here you will learn everything you need to know EngradePro.com website ranging from its services, how to register, login, how to reset your password, username when you are unable to gain access to your account through its login step and finally how to contact their customer service center for help, queries, report or question. Previously the platform was free but its freemium accounts were terminated on first of January this years. Therefore it means that only those that have premium account or paid account can keep using is services.
About EngradePro
This is one of the best learning websites anyone can be that is currently owned by McGraw-Hill Education after it acquired it in 2014. It is available for both students and parents. Even teachers can utilize the services of this website to make their work easier and sharpen their students. Millions of students use this website for assignments, homework and class test. Parents and students can view their grades by using their password and username. Usually, teacher[s] gives Engrade Pro user an access code and also a username and password which he/she can use to login to the platform.
Product Groups On Engrade Pro
Assess – This is a PARCC and SBAC aligned student assessment tool.
Improve – What this does is to processes data from Engrade tools to provide district-level reports about student performance
Corebook – This is a gradebook that is designed for standards-based grading and common core alignment.
Teach – This is a school-wide content management system.
EngradePro Login
Firstly go to their login page but make sure that your phone’s or pc CAPSLOCK is off. Also, ensure that the login details you are typing in are correct. To avoid using a phishing page, make sure that where you are entering the login information is the right login page or portal. Note that the engrade.com there you will be using the Engrade Pro login page either personally or directly from your school if they have paid for one. Login using your username and password.
Here are direct links to use to login
For smartphone users, you can login with their mobile application which can be download either from play store or windows stores respectively. Once you download and install their app then launch it and go to the login portal and enter your account username, password, click on login. Their app isn’t on apple store for iPhone but you can use their website to access its learning services.
How to recover EngradePro Login password and username
For those who forgot their login password or their username, they can reset their account or get it back by visiting their login page and click on the forgot password or username link, then enter your username/email address and click on the submit button, after that an email will be sent to your email address with instructions on how to reset your password. The same step applies if you want to recover or reset your username.